Co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains the importance of sharing your video on social media and getting your video shared by others. And the perfect opportunity to share and be shared is at Videosocials’ Sharing Socials, a Member-Exclusive recurring event.

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So, we’ve started Social Share events and we’re learning as we go.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with… the co -founder of and phone And one of the things that are… pieces of feedback that we got recently was that maybe actually sharing the video or a piece of content wasn’t as important as commenting, liking, etc. Well, I’m not going to diminish in any way, shape, or form the importance of liking and commenting, especially commenting on content that’s contextual to the… to that content — to that video, as an example. But I wanted to talk about, I think that the actual sharing of the video itself is critical.

So, the reasoning behind the person that said that it wasn’t as important was that, you know, the people that you share with aren’t going to watch it anyway. Well, I don’t know that that’s true, first of all, but even if that’s the case, even if it’s not watched, there’s a whole variety of reasons why you want to share the individual videos.

First of all, is search engine optimization and social media search engine optimization. In other words, it all helps the algorithms to know that this video or this piece of content is important. It is… it has relevance and there’s multiple people that are engaging with the content. So, for that reason alone, that puts it on the same level as a comment or a like, as an example. And by the way, you should absolutely do all three.

The other is is that it’s video, right? So, the chances of it being consumed are even more so than any other form of content that you’re going to produce. People are — as we know — are more interested in watching a video than they are even listening to an audio podcast, and certainly, greatly more than reading an article, as an example.

And lastly, has nothing to do with the social algorithms or the search engine algorithms. It’s because when you share somebody else’s content, you’re showing them — because they get notified — you’re showing them that you’re supporting them, that you’re sharing them with your audience. So, what’s that going to do for your relationship with them? You know, that reinforces that you care. That reinforces that you’re — you’ve taken and gone out of your way to do something to help boost what they’re up to a little bit. And of course, that encourages them to consider doing the same for you.

Hope you found that valuable. These and other tips are all available at . Have a great one.