Ever heard the phrase, “It’s nothing personal, it’s business”? Mark Bullock, Co-Founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBloogger.net, believes the opposite is true. Video is the next best thing to being there in person and people want a personal connection with their audience. Video is also favored more in social media algorithms so there’s a better chance your audience will actually see you if you’re on video. Read more of Mark’s reasoning on why you need video in your marketing mix.

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So why would you consider using video for your marketing and branding? Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net and there’s two legs I could stand on there. One is the stats. You know, what’s the business case? Well, I have another video, it’s on the home page of our website, Videosocials.net , and it talks about the stats. And, you know, the results are in, frankly. Everything from social media and the social media algorithms are feeding video posts much higher in the order than text posts, as an example, and there’s just tons of stats there. But I wanted to look at the other side of the coin, and that is… well, first, have you ever heard the phrase ‘Nothing personal, It’s just business.’? Well, I think the opposite is true. People do business with those that they connect with personally. So whether you’re a brand ambassador, whether or not you’re the owner of the organization, you’re the rainmaker for your organization, your audience — those that could refer you business, those that could do business with you, those that could pass you along or your information along to others that may want to do business with you — want to be able to connect with you personally. They want to get a feel of who you are and whether or not they can relate to you. So how is that relevant in this age of video, especially video on social media? Well, it’s the next best thing to being there now. So photos are great. Text is great. Blog posts are wonderful, but there’s a mass of information that’s out there, and it only gives people a small window or a small piece of who you are as an individual, what your passions are, what your concerns are, and whether or not they get a sense of that you get and understand where they’re at and that you’re there to be of service, to be of help, to provide something that’s valuable to them and that only comes across in video. So Videosocials was created to give you a place to one : learn how to do that; and two: get practice in our experiential environment of learning while doing, in other words, come on as a guest; present on camera ; get pointers from our other members and our staff. And before you know it, with a little practice, you’ll be out there on social media in video in a way that’s meaningful not just to your business but to those who want to do business with you. Again, Mark with Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net. Have a great day.