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People generally react and buy emotionally and then reflect on that action or purpose logically with rational thought. and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, discusses how to tap into that emotionality with blogging.


It can be so frustrating. You know, you go to all this work to create content, create videos, or create a blog post or create articles and put ’em out there and — how do you get people to consume it? How do you get people to watch? Well, I have a few ideas for you.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and phone and we created Videosocials as an extension of our previous service that we still have a lot of clients that do, which is phone Blogger. And whether you’re creating text content, video content, audio content, whatever it is, there’s a lot that goes into:

How do you get people to pay attention? How do you get people to actually want to watch the video, listen to the audio, read the text?

And it comes down to, again, a lot of different things. Title is certainly one of the things that you could look at. Another thing that you can look at is, whether or not the information is of value to the person that you’re… that you want to watch it. There’s a myriad of things but I think the hidden secret key is, does it emotionally resonate with your audience?

So, well, wait a second — I’m a lawyer — I am an accountant — I’m, you know, I’m here to talk about law. I’m here to talk about rules. I’m here to talk about mistakes to avoid. I’m here to talk about any number of things that are of value. What does emotion have to do with it? Well, it’s little known outside of sales circles but in professional sales, if you don’t get the following, you really are missing the boat — and that is that people buy emotionally and then rationalize that decision logically. So, in other words, if you’re not tapping in early on in the video, in the article, in the audio to something emotional, something that they’re feeling, something that they want to feel better about, as an example then you’re missing out on probably the primary key.

And there’s a lot of science around, especially in videos , the first seven to 10 seconds is where you want to grab people; create that emotional hook. Now, there’s actually a lot to that. Part of it is your facial expression. Part of it is how you open — we’re talking about video, specifically. Part of it is … how does your message, how does your content directly tie into what they’re feeling? Right?

So, let’s say you’re an attorney and you’ve got — you’re doing a law update, etc. Start with how this might affect somebody emotionally. Would they be angry about it? Would they be — have concern? Would they be happy about it? Would they be — you know, I’ve got great news for you, right?

So, just something that taps into their emotional core rather than just their intellectual core or their rational core, so that you can have an opportunity for them to actually consume the content that you have worked so hard to create for them. Again, Mark, Videosocials and phone Blogger. Have a great day.