COO/Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, never prepares or uses a script when recording his videos and he doesn’t think you should either. The goal should be to have a conversation with your audience and you can’t do that with a script.

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From the video...


So I practiced and I rehearsed and I prepared a script and, you know, I read it, paid attention to my eye contact, I got all my logistics handled — lighting, sound and everything. It just feels like…. and some of the people that saw the video said that it felt like I was reading something to them.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and And this is why I caution you in using scripts, first of all. And secondly, in practicing a conversation.

So one of the things that we’ve come to realize as we’ve been doing Videosocials is the content lands for the viewer as a conversation if we’re doing that. If we’re presenting and we’re talking as if there’s not a camera sitting there, but it’s a person sitting across the desk from us that we’re having a conversation with. How do you do that with a script? How do you do that having practiced what you’re going to say over and over again.

Well, if you’re new and you’re just getting started, you may need to have some notes. You may need to have some sort of a script and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing that. Just realize though that you are using it as a crutch and it’s a perfectly valid crutch to use, especially as you’re first getting started, but you’re using it as a crutch and it actually acts as a bit of an impediment between you and the audience member because who wants to have something read to them versus somebody having a conversation with them.

So, this is kind of the art side, the art form of presenting on camera is to do it in a way that you literally have the audience feel like they’re in the same room with you — that you’re talking directly to them. They can relate to what you’re talking about and they can relate to the emotions that you’re bringing across and how you make them feel.

You know, so these are all, you know, individual videos that I could do on all those topics. But none of that is really available if you’re so tied into getting every word right, having a script that you’re following or so focused on your notes or what you’ve practiced to bring across. This is why you typically will see me present without any preparation whatsoever, including this video today.

So I hope you found that valuable. Please use your notes if you need them. Use your scripts if you need them. But think of it in terms of getting practice you’ll be able to work towards just having a conversation with your audience.

Again, Mark with and . And if you found this valuable, you’ll find a lot more at .