How can a video FAQ page take your prospect engagement to the next level?

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Do you have a Frequently Asked Questions or F A Q on your website? Well, if the answer is no, get busy — because it’s one of the most visited pages of most professional services websites.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m a co-founder of and And the purpose of this video is not just to get you to do F A Q s or Frequently Asked Questions for your website, but to consider doing them in video. Why on earth would you do that?

Well, people consume video at a vastly higher rate and far more likely to engage with video than they are actual text. So, before it became easy to do video through programs like Videosocials, you could do audio, as an example, and we’ve had success in… through phoneBlogger when we’ve had our clients create little audio snippets that go along with the text. As a matter of fact, I would suggest that you do both text and video.

But why would you want to do this? It’s not really marketing. Well, just as client service — great client service is probably your best marketing engine that you have, areas of your website like your Frequently Asked Questions are what takes people to the next step — to the next level.

So, if they’re coming to your website, they’ve got questions about what you’re doing. They’ve got questions trying to solve a problem or or resolve an issue, and they’re researching. So, if you don’t have it on your website, well, they’ve got to go someplace else to get it, right? So, that’s probably going to be one of your competitors. So, you want to have a full robust website that has the information that your clients want. And if they want to consume that information via video, the F A Q is a place that you can do it and again help them get to the next level.

I also suggest that you have the transcription — get it captioned — take that transcription, and put it underneath and that gives you your text for those that want to read rather than watch the video segments.

The fact of the matter is is that people engage with Frequently Asked Questions sections of websites because they have specific questions, concerns, and are looking for specific information for that. And a 1-3 minute video is a great way to handle it. Even if it’s 30 seconds — even if it’s just a couple of sentences, having it in video is going to radically increase the likelihood that they’re going to consume it and, that again, they get to see your face, get to see how you speak, and get to — get a sense of what it’s like to actually be in a conversation with you and/ or to be sitting across the desk from you and having a consult with you.

Hope you found that valuable. It’s just another way that you can use video in your marketing. Again, Mark — co -founder, and . If you found it valuable, there’s lots more at Video Take care.