co-founder, Mark Bullock, provides tips on how to record a video to attract clients that are a perfect fit for you.

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Have you ever been in a consultation or a sales environment where you were sitting across the desk from a prospect and things just clicked? You could really see what you could do to help them, and you really felt like you wanted to help them. And in doing so, guess what — you were a little more animated. You were bringing across a positive energy and you were able to convey to them through your body language, through your facial expression, through the energy that you projected, that you’re there to help and you know, just what they need and they got that what you had to offer could really help them. Now, imagine if you could bring that same energy, that same frame of mind into a video.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and And that’s something I’d like you to consider when you’re doing a video.

So, you’re speaking to an inanimate object called a camera and you’ve got the points that you want to get across, you’ve got what you want to say, you’ve got information that you want to convey and yes, all that needs to be in alignment with what your target audience, that target prospect maybe wanting to hear. But I want you to think before you hit the record button — and if you’re Videosocials, you’ve got an audience to help give you feedback if this actually worked — but before you hit that record button, I want you to put yourself in the mindset of, that’s not a camera you’re talking to, that’s that ideal prospective client that is on the other side of that camera, and you know that you can help them.

You know what you can do to make a difference for them, and to provide services that are going to be life -altering, if it… as it were. You know, it’s just a good fit and you know that it’s a good fit. So, don’t create videos for the not-perfect audience, create videos for the perfect fit, and that will attract those that are the perfect fit and it will allow you to project energy without having to actually think about it. Just think about that ideal client, that ideal prospect, and have a conversation with them through the camera as you would if you were sitting across the desk from them.

I hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s quite a few other videos just like it at Again, I’m Mark Bullock, co-founder of and Have a great day.