Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, asks ‘Who are you for your clients? Who are you for those that you serve?’ Have passion and let it come through. Make sure that your passion is about doing the right thing for those that you serve, whether that is through selling or providing a service.

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Webster’s defines a customer as somebody you sell a product or service to, but they define a client as someone under your protection.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of and And I really want you to think about that for a second, because I want you to consider not only your clients and your customers but your audience.

If your audience feels that you are there to protect them — that you’re taking a stand for them — that you’re trying to work around disinformation, or get past all of the noise that’s out there in the advertising world and the social media world, etc. , so, that your interest is their best interest, you’ve hit a home run because they’re going to contact you — they’re going to want to work with you. If they feel like you’re trying to sell them something, if they can’t tell the difference between what you have to say and the rest of the noise — the disinformation, the piped up hyperbole that comes about and no, I’m not talking about politics — I’m talking about how you run your business, the services that you provide, the products that you offer. In other words, have passion and let it come through, and make sure that that passion is about doing the right thing for those that you serve, whether it be selling them something or whether it be providing a service.

This is the next level, guys. Be aware of your impact. Be aware of who you are for your clients— who you are for those that you serve. And if you present, create marketing content and that comes across? Again, home run. If you get into the trap of ‘I’ve got to sell. I’ve got to convince. I’ve got to make it sound right. I’ve got to use all the exact right words. All that just gets in the way. You’re trying to connect with your audience — have a conversation with them but not only a conversation, but have it be meaningful for them.

Hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots more tips at Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder of Videosocials. Take care.