co-founder, Mark Bullock, talks about the simple strategy of using odd numbers in your titles to attract more viewers and readers.

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If I were to say I had six reasons for you to watch this video, it would be less impactful than if I said I had three ways for you… reasons for you to watch this video.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and And what am I talking about?

I’m talking about the… what’s going on in the backs of our minds and our unconscious minds… and there’s some basis of this in feng shui, there’s some basis of this in marketing research, there’s some basis of this in brain science — that if we use odd numbers when we’re — in our titles, to whatever content that we’re creating, in how we present things, if we use odd numbers, it’s more likely that the viewer is going to consider that a… as real, rather than something that’s contrived. So, 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 is less impactful than 3 – 5 – 7 – 9, as an example.

So… but what’s going on? And there is a caveat to that, so… and the caveat to that is thanks to David Letterman, the top ten works . In other words, the top ten reasons for anything just because it’s so ubiquitous now. But other than ten, stick with the odd numbers, especially in titles.

And this came up recently that somebody had four points. And it really… their talk was about these four points, but I’m going to say make it three and then give a bonus when it comes to the title itself. In other words, again, just tying back to that odd number.

I don’t necessarily understand all the brain science behind it, but it works. So, it’s just something to use. And I guess I’m going to leave it at that because that’s really the point that I wanted to make.

If you found this tip helpful, you’ll find lots more at And again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Love to have you as a guest. Take care.