co-founder Mark Bullock shares some tips he’s been learning while researching for his upcoming Video Marketing Mastery on how to drive traffic and gain subscribers to your YouTube channel.

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What’s the fastest path to get YouTube subscribers for your YouTube channel?

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And as I’ve been developing our new course, which is on Video Marketing Mastery — it’s part of our accelerator program at … look for that , it’s going to be released soon — I’ve been doing a lot of research, training, etc. , so that I can provide the most updated information through the course itself. And it’s been pretty interesting because I’ve been on and around YouTube for a lot of years. I’ve helped people produce videos for YouTube, etc . and as I’m… but things are changing, right. Things are always changing. And one of the things that many people want is they want subscribers — whatever social media platform that you’re on — and /or they want followers and /or they’re trying to get… use their channels, as it were, to get more people to pay attention to them and potentially, obviously, do business with them, ultimately.

So, the subscription part is a bit of a mystery for many. And I think a code was cracked recently and I’m not going to give you the exact numbers because the algorithms change all the time, but there is a level or number of videos that needs to be on your YouTube channel before YouTube is even going to pay any attention to it as far as their algorithms. So, what is that number? Well, I know what it is today, but it’s not something they advertise and it’s something that is — has to be tested just to be seen — but it’s not two or three or five or ten. Think dozens.

Now, if that starts to scare you a little bit, if you’re not used to doing a lot of videos, the thing to take away from this is it’s not that difficult once you get started, and it sets the imperative that you start now. In other words, create videos — get them posted. They’re not going to be perfect, initially. They’re not going to be … they’re not going to be the, you know, the greatest thing that you can imagine doing. You’re going to get better over time, but you need to get … you need to get started. You need to put them out there because if you don’t, 1) perfectionism becomes, you know, your biggest obstacle and people aren’t looking for perfection when they’re watching YouTube videos. They’re looking for value. They either want to be educated or they want to be entertained or both. And that is not the 11:00 News. That is not a television advertisement. That is you having a conversation with your audience. Little bobbles in your voice, little mistakes, and all.

So, start. Start recording. Get recordings posted on YouTube. That’s the first place you need to start to be able to eventually drive traffic and create subscriptions on your YouTube channel. Again, pay attention to the website. The Marketing Mastery course is up and coming.

Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder, Have a great day.