Per a request from a member, co-founder, Mark Bullock, shares why he keeps his hair the way he does.

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So, what’s with the hair, anyway?

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And it’s kind of a question that I get once in a while because every now and then I let my hair down, and people kind of want to know why. Well, I think it’s easier to talk about why do I have long hair in the first place? Because it’s absolutely a choice.

At the same token, in my forties or so, I started — my hair loss was getting extreme, and I thought I was going to be, you know, completely without hair within a few years. And I had always wanted to grow my hair out and I always had it short, so I just decided if there was any time to do it, then was the time. Grow it out as long as it would go, as long as I had it. And it’s stopped falling out and I just didn’t cut it anymore.

So… but why do I keep it? Why? You know… why do I keep it in a ponytail most of the time? Well, the ponytail’s just because I feel like sometimes that it’s more acceptable in a business climate or business environment to have my hair tied back, but I don’t even know that that’s so much true because why do I have long hair? Because I can. It’s that simple. It’s my preference.

No, it’s not really tied to… some Christian… you know, Jesus Christ or a rabbi or anything like that. It’s not tied to being Santa Claus or… any number of other things that when people see me with my hair down, they come up with, especially when it’s tied in with a big beard.

The fact of the matter is is it’s just who I am. And unless you’re in a business meeting with me, this is how I wear it all the time, so it’s just who I am.

So, why do I occasionally let my hair down in a Videosocials meeting, as an example? Well, I think it’s best just because I’m feeling comfortable enough with the people that are there — and my role in that group — to let my hair down.

Don’t know if that was of any value whatsoever, but it was at the request of one of our members. Hope you did find it valuable, and if you did or if you didn’t, there’s lots more that are of value at

Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder of and Have a great day.