What do you want your audience to do after they watch your video? Videosocials.net co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains the importance of simple, effective calls to action. Don’t let someone who watches one of your videos slip away.

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So, of course, there’s a purpose to every video that you record — you’re trying to get some information across to your audience. But exactly what do you want them to do after they watch the video?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net . And the answer to that, only you can answer and it really depends on your audience. But a couple of things to think about.

If you’re not specific, then you’re leaving it general, and it’s unlikely that they’re going to do anything at all. If you give them 15 different things — ‘Well, subscribe here, you know, go to this my Facebook channel here, my Instagram over here… Di-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-dah…’ right? It’s overwhelming. They’re very unlikely to follow through.

The other thing is if there isn’t some sense of urgency, even you just saying, ‘Go ahead and do that now, so that you don’t miss… so that you don’t miss the next iteration, video, whatever it is.’ In other words, encourage them to do something now, while it’s fresh in their mind before they leave your video, your piece of content, and go on to something else. Life happens, now, you’re not in existence anymore. So, a couple of just concepts that came up to me as I’ve been watching lots of different people on Videosocials, give calls to action.

So, one of the other things that I wanted to bring up was what is the next step, right? Think of it in terms of — what’s the next step. So, even if you are presenting to a known audience, somebody — an audience that’s following you, they may share that content with people that aren’t in your audience. Well, what would you like those people to do? Perhaps it’s subscribe to a Youtube channel. Perhaps it’s connect to you on LinkedIn. Perhaps it’s some other social media or some other… some other means of following you one way, shape, or form.

And don’t be afraid to ask them to follow you or subscribe. Yes, we hear it all the time. But the reality is is that if they really found what you had to say interesting and informative and useful to them, there’s a good chance they may subscribe because they want to get more information, and if they want to get more information, make sure you have a way for them to subscribe or follow one channel or another — whether it be your website, any one of the social media platforms, Youtube, etc .

So, don’t be afraid to use a call to action. Even if you’re deliberately not trying to sell anything, give them something to do that has them take the next step. And hopefully draws them a step closer to working with you.

Hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots more tips at Videosocials.net/Academy . Again, Mark Bullock, Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net . Have a great day.