co-founder, Mark Bullock, urges you to show up and give it a try regardless of what mood you’re in. The more you record, share, and engage with people on social media, the more they will care about you and what you have to say. Watch the video for more.

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From the video...


So, you’ve had a bad day and you just don’t feel like recording a video. And should you even bother? Should you try?

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and .

And the answer to that is whether or not you can get and understand a completely different concept, and that concept is — if you want somebody to notice you, notice them first. If you want somebody to pay attention to you, pay attention to them first.

I’m talking about in social media. Instead of using it as a broadcast platform, engage with people. Go looking for people that would be good, potential referral sources for you, or could, in some way, synergistically, help you with your business. In other words, pay attention to what they’re posting, right.

And the third part of that, and where that ties back to — you’re just not in the mood to record is, if you’re not in the mood to record and you want to be authentic and let your audience know that that’s the case, you might be expecting them to care. And if they’re your audience and they already know you and they have already seen a lot of other content by you, they may very well care.

But if your video goes out into the wild of social media and it’s the first time somebody’s ever seeing you, unless they know that you care about them, frankly, they have no interest or need to care about you. So, if you can compartmentalize. If you can set it aside, whatever it is that’s getting in the way of you caring about the audience that you’re speaking to — the individuals, the person on the other side of the camera — not the camera itself — that you’re speaking to, you can generate that. Absolutely. Show up. You can or not, and you want to give it a try, show up and give it a try because that’s exactly where I was before the recording button was pressed for this video. I didn’t know whether or not I could pull it off, so hopefully, I did. We’ll see.

If you found this valuable, you’ll find lots more at and Phon… Excuse me… Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder of and . Take care.