co-founder, Mark Bullock, reminds you that your audience are people with complicated lives, just as you are. Seeing them as people who might be struggling with an invisible battle will bring your empathy to the forefront and your audience will see that and relate to it.

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Do you have a secret struggle in your life? Maybe there’s something that you have to deal with or have had to deal with for a long time, but you don’t really let anybody know, especially in the business world.

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And why would I ask a question like that when it comes to creating videos for marketing? Well, if you’ve got that secret struggle — if you’ve got a family member with an addiction problem or you’ve got a… somebody that you help take care of or maybe a relationship that’s really gone south or maybe you’ve had a medical or mental health issue that — it’s something that’s really taken a lot for you to be able to function and move forward.

The thing that I want you to keep in mind is almost everybody that was going to watch your video has some secret struggle themselves. We don’t like to think about that. We don’t… we think that we’re somehow abnormal or we’ve got something going on that, you know, there’s just not that many other people that are dealing with that type of thing. You know, we hear all the wonderful stories, the great colleges that are, you know, somebody else’s kids are going to, the terrific marriage that they’ve got, etc

The fact of the matter is is that I’ve been on this planet long enough to know now, and I’ve worked with enough professionals — thousands over the years and I’ve gotten — as a coach, I’ve gotten very close — and gotten into some of the secret stories. And the fact of the matter is is I think most of us have some secret struggle and that is an opportunity because we can then have empathy. Whatever somebody else’s struggle is, it’s no less impactful than whatever you’ve been dealing with.

And so, carry a little bit of that empathy into your conversation with your audience when you’re recording videos. I think you’ll find that people will relate to you and be much more attracted to want to get to know you and potentially do business with you if they feel like, you, too — you get it.

I hope you found that valuable. If you did, again, it’s And again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Have a great day.