and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, discusses the tangible and intangible values of being a consistent contributing member of Videosocials.

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So why do you come to Videosocials ? Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the Co-founder of and , and I’ve done a couple of videos in respect to, you know, the reasons that people might stick with it, etc. But in reflecting recently, I wanted to bring across that I think there’s two schools of thought or two general areas that people engage in something like Videosocials .

The first is, and probably the most obvious, well, they’re trying to get better at marketing. They’re trying to get their message out. They’re trying to brand themselves. They’re trying to become a branded expert on social media, etc. Basically, it comes back to they’re seeking some level of financial results for what they’re doing with Videosocials.

And the second group, which is often looked at as kind of ancillary, is the inspiration that we get from it — the camaraderie, the social aspects of it, the having a group of people that you get to know, like, and trust, you know , within your group. So there’s some networking, there’s some… just enjoyment of showing up and, for lack of a better way of putting it, the personal and professional development that comes out of it.

The thing is either way, it’s not wrong. Both are okay. And because I think sometimes we get stuck on, if you’re going to be spending the money to do this, you got to be getting videos out there. Well, we’re always going to encourage you to do that because that’s where you’re going to see the return on investment financially. But there are a number of people that have been doing this for some time and they’ve never posted, and that’s okay. Why is it okay? Because they’re still getting value out of it. They’re still getting enjoyment. They’re still able to participate. Not just in a social club that doesn’t have a purpose other than being social. It’s a social club with a purpose and that purpose is to get better at communicating with others, whether that be on camera, whether that be for if they’re called on at a wedding to do a toast, whatever it is, whatever value that you’re getting out of it, don’t feel bad about it.

You know, it’s… I really want to make sure that we don’t have somebody being, feeling guilted into, ‘I have to post, I have to promote, I have to, you know, etc., etc.’ We of course encourage it that you do that because that’s where you’ll see results on the financial side, on the business side, but maybe for you, what’s most fun about it and most enjoyable about it is not having that pressure and just doing something that you enjoy and something that embellishes and make your life a little more fun and a little more enjoyable and pushes you into an area that maybe you don’t feel like confident, competent with or comfortable with.

Hope you found that valuable. Again, Mark with and if you have… are interested in other tips or ideas with respects to doing video blogging or video for any purpose, you can have a look at . Again, Mark with Videosocials. Have a great day.