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Whenever you’re doing something new, something that you haven’t done before, or something that seems fairly complex or difficult, you’re often confronted with — you need to step outside your comfort zones to be able to do that. Well, one of our members of Video socials, Rhonda Bowen, who is a global communications specialist, gave me an idea in one of her videos and it was — she was inviting viewers to come from their space of being outside their comfort zones into her space, where she was inside her comfort zone. And that got me to thinking.

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and And that’s a little bit about what Videosocials is all about because it’s not natural. Unless you are raised literally on stage, it’s not natural necessarily to want to be or to be comfortable on camera, trying to communicate.

So, that being said, we often find ourselves in a position where we find every priority in the world gets in front of what we’re not comfortable with. In other words, most of us aren’t really comfortable marketing. Most of us aren’t really all that comfortable being self -promotional. Most of us are not all that comfortable being on camera and /or being in front of an audience or on stage.

So, that being said, all busy professionals, we find all the client service and customer service and bookkeeping and accounting and 27 other things that we have to get done during the day as the thing that stands in our way because we don’t get around to doing the things that we’re uncomfortable with.

Videosocials was designed to give you a place where it’s safe — where you can get supported and you can get encouragement through practice of being on camera and relaying a message to your audience. And comfort comes with practice and with experience, especially if that practice and experience is directed and supported by others that are doing exactly the same thing that you’re doing.

So, I invite you. If you’re uncomfortable, in other words, it’s outside your comfort zone to be on camera, come have… come be a guest at Videosocials and… where we may be able to help you expand your comfort zone because once you do it a few times, it does get easier and your comfort zone does start to expand, even if it’s something that seems very uncomfortable when looking at it from the outside. Once you do it in a safe place, in a supportive environment, we will expand — we will help you expand your comfort zone.

Hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots more tips at Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Have a great day.