Despite not being a networking club, there’s a whole lot of networking going on at Videosocials clubs. Co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains how relationships build and referrals happen organically merely with regular attendance of Videosocials meetings.

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Videosocials is not a networking group but I’ve seen some of the most impactful networking of my life in our Videosocials meetings.

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of

And what I’m talking about is when we designed Videosocials, we designed it to do what it does best, which is to let you get your videos done in an environment that you learn and grow and is safe and, most importantly, you get the videos done because when we’re left to our own devices and an inanimate object called a camera, 1) we’re probably not going to get around to it — certainly not consistently. And even if we do, we’re not getting feedback from others that know, like, and trust us and understand us, because we see them every week and they get to give us feedback and their perspectives, so we get out of our head.

But this leads me to the whole know, like, and trust thing because I think that it’s true that people need to know, like, and trust you before they’re going to refer you — before they’re going to do business with you. But that’s insufficient. And what I’m talking about is people do business with people they can relate to. People they connect with. People that they enjoy being around, and even if that being around is across a video.

So, keep in mind, Videosocials is not a networking venue or organization, but our members not only get to know, like, trust each other, they relate to each other and they get to know each other’s businesses and know that they can engage and work with the people that they’re sharing their groups with — sharing their uncomfortableness in presenting on camera, as an example.

And I literally see it happen almost every day where people are referring each other business, doing business with each other, etc. And the primary reason I think behind that — aside from the fact that it’s being relatable — is that they didn’t come here to get something out of it, that it wasn’t designed to give them. It’s not a lead sharing type of thing. It is real networking because we’re all really working on our businesses, working on our messaging, working on our marketing, and in doing so, we get to know, like, and trust and relate to each other and once we get to that point, the networking just happens automatically.

I hope you found this valuable. If you did, there’s lots more at . Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder of . Have a great day.