Gratitude post: and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, takes a moment to say thanks to the Videosocials community. Whether it be learning something new or seeing a member improve over time, Videosocials meetings prove to be a source of inspiration and, oftentimes, a cure to a bad mood.

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Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and . And today I’m not coming to you as the co-founder or owner of the company. I’m coming to you as a member of Videosocials . And why would I do that?

Well, I’m going to say Videosocials lifts me up. So, you know, we’re in the end of March 2021. The last 12 months have been tough for all of us and much tougher for some than others. And the last couple of months it’s… I’ve had a lot. It’s kind of been a bit of an avalanche of crap kind of flowing at me. The the good news is, you know, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but it’s hard to keep that in mind and it’s hard to keep a positive attitude sometimes when, you know, you get Covid — the whole family gets Covid, etc. And that’s just one of several things that I’ve been dealing with.

The point that I wanted to get across today was there’s a lot of advantages to doing Videosocials , everything from the accountability, having that appointment every week, getting to… getting feedback from others that are doing the same thing that you’re doing, which is trying to improve their ability to get their message across, etc . But the one thing that for me is the glue that holds it all together is it’s Videosocials . It’s the social aspect.

I’m an introvert. I don’t naturally want to be in networking events. It’s just, you know, I just assume be by myself , or with my family and this forces me to get on the call. Yes, a whole lot more often than any other member. That’s absolutely true. But I come to the meetings and most of the time, although I’ve shot nearly 300 videos now, most of the time I don’t record. So I’m there for those that are on the same call with me and I can’t tell you what that does for me because I can really be in, frankly a crappy mood .

You know, we’re getting ready to start a meeting and it’s like, okay, I gotta shake it off, got to show up and there’s not a single time that I haven’t been by the end of the meeting, whether I recorded or not, just in seeing everybody else, seeing everybody improve, listening to everyone’s conversation, learning from basically every time — there’s something like five or 6000 of these video shoots that I’ve seen so far. It’s inspiring. It’s absolutely inspiring and it lifts me up and I just wanted to say thank you to my fellow Videosocials members, because you’ve all lifted me up. Have a great day.