{2:30 minutes to read} In our previous article, we discussed the important, yet complicated, task of providing feedback to other video bloggers on Videosocials teams.

In general, when people are unsure of what to comment on, they tend to focus on perceived faults — e.g., small distraction in backdrop (that’s not really important). If you are charged with providing feedback, remember that each speaker has their own unique voice and presentation style. So, keep in mind that Videosocials team members are looking for constructive feedback — not nitpicking —  that actually helps them become better presenters!

What kind of feedback is useful? 

Sometimes the answer to this question isn’t that obvious. We’ve found that concentrating on the following areas is useful: 

  • Authenticity: Do they come across as — Approachable? Friendly? Genuine? Knowledgeable?
  • Content Applicability: Who is their audience and did they speak to that audience? Did the content apply?
  • Language: Are they using language and terms their audience expects to hear?

Unique differences in presentation style are less relevant since they are more subject to people’s individual perceptions. For example, some presenters look at and away from the camera “checking in” regularly, while others look into the camera directly for the entire presentation. It’s best to ignore stylistic differences like that and focus on the more general themes mentioned above.

At Videosocials.net, feedback is a two-way street. As our participants get to know each other, the feedback becomes increasingly tailored to what each person is trying to accomplish with their video blogs.

Ready to participate in a team? Contact us today.

Mark Bullock
Telephone: (631) 754-0800
