Mark Bullock, Co-founder of and, explains how Videosocials is a perfect place for established and aspiring thought leaders.

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Are you a thought leader? Are you somebody that, within your industry, you think a little bit differently or you’ve got a little different insight perhaps than others that are in your industry?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of and of . And the fact of the matter is, we created Videosocials for thought leaders and for aspiring thought leaders.

Right so, what makes a thought leader? A thought leader is somebody who knows their industry, knows the market, or the people that would take advantage and use that industry, and has a little different view of it — has a little different perspective that they can bring to the table. That little bit different perspective — that different view on things is attractive — and in being so, if you can talk about that and you can engage your audience into your thinking — your perspective, you can get some very serious traction when it comes to being a thought leader through your content generation. Whether that content be through video, through text, through audio, whatever it is.

But basically, we created Videosocials so that you could hone your communication skills — you could set aside your own worries about what you look like and how you sound, etc., on camera, so that we can actually get to what’s in here and what’s in your heart.

Right so, come join us. Try it out as a guest. We’ll absolutely be here to support you if you’re up to something in this world, and perhaps even trying to make the world a little better place for the rest of us.

Again, Mark, with — phone . If you found that valuable, you’ll find lots more tips at . Take care !