Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, shares advice on what types of content you should be creating and for what types of audience. You don’t have to be all-inclusive when it comes to who you’re talking to.

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Does your video content — or really any content that you create — need to reach the broadest audience possible?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, the co -founder of and, and the answer to that is no, in most cases.

So, we have a member of Videosocials, Allen Kaye. He’s a very, very experienced immigration attorney and he just did a presentation that I gave him a little bit of coaching on and I thought I’d share it with you.

The reason why is he has very specific experience in working with people in Pakistan and India and a number of other places. And he was recording a video that was really designed for the general population and those were little things on the side. And my coaching to him was to realize that every piece of content that you create does not have to reach a broad audience.

Why? Because people want to be able to cubbyhole you. In other words, when they get to know who you are and what you do — ‘Great, you’re an immigration attorney. Well, I’ll put you in that cubbyhole with 37 other immigration attorneys that I know’ — right? Well, that’s not really what you want.

What you want to do is say, ‘I’m an immigration attorney on this piece of content. I’m an immigration attorney that has vast experience working with people coming from India,’ let’s say. Now, not only does your target audience is clearly identified, but the person that can refer you, that can pass on that content to someone, they know exactly where it needs to go.

Do you only want to do that one? Of course not. Do you only want to do very specific targeted? Of course not. You want to do both.

So, you want to have some of your content that reaches a general audience but if you have specialties — if you have very specific target audiences, don’t be afraid to create content just for them and then make it available to everyone so that they can know and recognize, ‘oooh, if I know somebody that’s in that specific niche, you’re the only person that I know that does that.’ So, now you’re in a cubbyhole all by yourself. As a matter of fact, you might be in several cubbies which makes you the only person that might fit the bill for their friend, their colleague that needs that type of assistance.

Hope you found that valuable. And again, if you find these tips, and you’ll find these tips and many others at Again, Mark — and . Take care.