What little thing is standing in the way between you and the accomplishments you’re trying to achieve? Videosocials.net co-founder, Mark Bullock, provides some tips on how to overcome these obstacles.

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So, what’s getting in your way? What little thing perhaps is standing between you and the accomplishment that you’re trying to achieve?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, I’m the co -founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net.

And I’m going to give you an example. So, if you’re having trouble with all of these online calendars and emails that have calendar links and these types of things, well, that could be getting in your way of actually getting something on the schedule or having it in such a way that you can follow up, do whatever it is that you need to do. And what’s the solution?

Well, initially we think that the solution is: Well, you know, it needs to be in a different format. The company that I’m involved with is… needs to change their invitation process, etc., etc., etc. But there’s a much, much easier solution, and that’s, go into your calendar and make the appointment manually, right? Seems like a… seems like a simple thing, but we let these little things get in our way, and stand in the way of us accomplishing our goals. So, how do we do that? I’m gonna give you a couple of tips on that.

One is don’t over complicate it. In other words, there’s probably a simple solution, there’s probably something simple that needs to be done. Maybe it’s a in a calendar world, maybe it’s rescheduling something. Maybe it’s just manually entering it rather than getting all tied up in the technology to try to follow a specific link or those types of things. But whatever it is, in many cases, it’s really simple if we do two things.

One is to step back from the problem and look at what do I want to try to accomplish, and what is my internal resistance to solving the problem? Because that’s usually where it lies. We’re not sure that we want to follow our goals, or we’re not sure that we want to be accountable to what we’ve committed to, or maybe we haven’t really set those goals, or really put ourselves in a position to be accountable, right?

So, if you know where you’re going and you have a good idea how to get there, little bumps in the road become exactly that — little bumps in the road that we can often times find a simple solution for to get it out of the way. But, if we haven’t sat down and figured out where are we going and what we’re trying to accomplish, then any little bump jumps up like a mountain in front of us.

Little bit esoteric, I think. But at the same token, I hope you get the point.

If you found that valuable, you’ll find lots more tips like this at Videosocials.net/Academy . And again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net. Have a great day.