Co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains the importance of letting your audience know what level of accountability you have for yourself and what expectation you have of them as a new client or member.

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Why is setting the expectations of your target audience when you’re creating content important?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, I’m the co -founder of Video and of phone

And we all do the same thing, especially when we’re early on in marketing our practices or marketing our businesses. And that is to unintentionally over- promise with the potential of then under -delivering. What am I talking about?

I’m saying we’re so interested in talking to everybody, and we think everybody is a great fit for us, so our tendency is to gloss over or leave aside important parts. So, I’ll give you an example. Coming to Videosocials and becoming a member of Videosocials isn’t going to do anything for you unless you show up and participate. Seems kind of obvious, right? I’ve never actually said that before, but we have people that have signed up and don’t ever come. So, are they getting any value out of it? No, they’re not.

And it’s wonderful to sign up for things. I think there was… I think there was a statistic of around 80% of all books that are sold are never read. That shocked me when I heard that. But this is true. We think that because we signed up — because we bought — because we acquired in some way, shape or form a program, a book, etc., signed up for a webinar that we didn’t show up for, it makes us feel better that we took that step and it’s… we can’t go anywhere if we don’t take that first step, but it’s not that step that actually gets your results. The result is in participation.

So, don’t be afraid to let your audience know — in your marketing, specifically — what level of accountability you have versus what your expectations of a new client or a new member, you know, is going to be bringing to the table. And that way, you’re setting up those expectations so that they know that they’ve got to participate. They know that — they’ll know in the marketing — in consuming the marketing message — whether or not they’re a good fit for what it is that you have to offer.

Bit of an advanced tip, but I hope you found it valuable. If you did, we have lots more at Again, Mark — and . Have a great day.