Videosocials is not a networking organization but our members network an awful lot. They’re doing business with each other because the clubs create an inspiring and encouraging environment that allows relationships to grow, all while honing their video presenting skills. COO and Co-Founder of and, Mark Bullock, says thank you to all the Videosocials members who continue to show up, do the work, and personally inspire him.


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So this morning, well, first of all, it’s the day after Election Day. So I was up late last night. Not really in a good mood today. And this morning we had a meeting and I was not going to present, not gonna have anything to say, just not feeling it. And I got inspired by watching everyone else present in the meeting and then decided to record.

And I recorded on the experiential nature of the learning that we get out of participating in Videosocials . And I really didn’t touch on, very much, the other side of that because this is an experiential learning environment — we’re learning by doing and we’re learning from each other, etc. But why that works is because of the social aspect of it. It is Videosocials — it is a community. And I’m in another group at another meeting with another handful of our members and it’s just been reminded to me just how valuable this community is for each other.

You know, we have people that aren’t feeling well and / or have other things going on that they didn’t even want to present today but they wanted to be here for their community. They wanted to see the faces of their friends. And it’s just amazing to me to watch these groups and these relationships being formed and really, in many ways, going to the next level.

There’s lots of people… Videosocials is not a networking group or a networking opportunity per se, but there’s some real networking that goes on here. There’s a lot of our members that are doing business with each other because they get to know each other, get to know each other’s businesses. They learn to trust each other just by seeing each other present, giving feedback to each other and engaging. So that’s the other part of the experiential nature of this.

And I just wanted to say thank you to all of you and encourage you to embrace this community because it’s certainly embraced me.

All right. Again, Mark, Have a great day.