co-founder Mark Bullock provides tips on where to look when recording videos on your computer.

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We created Videosocials in no small part so that you have an audience to speak to, that you had people that were in the room with you, virtually, so that you could have a conversation with people instead of an inanimate object called a camera. But it may take a while for you to recognize that although the people that are down on the screen, and I’m looking at the other people in the meeting now, are not your audience’s eyes. Your audience’s eyes are the camera.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and , and it took me quite a while to figure that out. At first, I was taking whoever is in the center — so, we’re recording on Zoom, as you know, and there’s always somebody at the top, at the center of my laptop which my webcam is on top of. And so, whoever that is, that’s who I would be looking at.

So, this is… this is me looking at who’s top center on the camera and you can probably see I’m not looking directly at the camera until I am. So, it’s a trick… it’s a trick that I thought was working until I actually tricked myself into understanding that the viewer — your eyes are the camera.

And so, if I’m not talking to the camera — that doesn’t mean that I’m going to stare at you for three minutes and not look away or think or look at a note or something like that — but when I’m having a conversation with somebody, I’m looking in their eyes.

So, it’s a trick that I hope you’ll take on for yourself to realize that your audience, whether they be in the room now or whether they be watching this video three, four, five years from now, their eyes are the camera. So, if you want to look them in the eye, look at the camera.

I hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots more at . Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder of Have a great day.