co-founder, Mark Bullock, encourages Videosocials members to continue to show up to their clubs regardless of how they feel. Mark did not feel well the other day and he decided to go to a club to provide support and encouragement to members. He was glad he went and so will you!

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From the video...


So obviously something a little different today. So what’s going on?

Well, I really wasn’t feeling well today and I actually went and lied down, took a nap. And the four o’clock meeting came along and I was like, ‘you know what? I know that if I show up I’ll feel better.’

And so I did. And, do I have a topic to record on? No, I don’t. But you know what, I’ve taken a page out of many of your books. We literally had some of you show up even though you don’t have time to actually be in the meeting today — you just wanted to show up to let everybody know that you’re okay and to support and make sure that there was enough people in the group for it to work.

So I took the same page and said, ‘hey, why don’t I show up? I’ll probably feel better. Maybe I can contribute something to the group today.’ So that’s what I did. And I encourage you to do the same. Every time that we come on doesn’t have to be a perfect, carry-it-away, use-it-today recording.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of showing up — being willing to show up for those times that you really don’t feel like it. And so here I am so glad that I showed up and I really got a couple of great laughs out of today.

So I hope you can find this valuable and I hope that you’ll show up whether you feel like it or not and let the group raise you up. Again, Mark — and Have a great day.