Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, shares his experience as an introvert having shot 499 videos in the past two years.

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This is my 499th video that I’ve shot with Videosocials.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And why am I having this conversation on the 499th instead of the 500th? Well, I’ve got a little bit of a plan for the 500th. The 499th — I thought maybe you might like to know what my experience has been in doing that because let you in on a little secret — I’m an introvert. I have no interest whatsoever in being on camera or being on stage. It’s just not in my nature. But I’m in marketing and I like to make a difference for people, and I especially like to make a difference for people who make a difference for others.

So, I basically forced myself to get out of my comfort zone. But that was only possible because I had the support and the encouragement of hundreds of others in Videosocials that have been there, watched me give my talks, given me feedback, given me encouragement, etc . And that’s what we do for each other at Videosocials.

So, one of the other things that I had to let go of was my fear of failure. And thanks to Lisa Levy, in fact, who just spoke a little bit about fear on her video today, that reminded me of just where I was at when I started because I was terrified. Okay, long story short, I used to do Toastmasters, was the President of Toastmasters 30-something years ago, etc. and that was a huge undertaking to get through and start being able to speak in public.

But transferring that to video was completely different and I had this feeling like, you know, I’m putting it on video, this is like a permanent record. This is gonna be out there in the social media sphere on YouTube and it’s gonna be there forever more.

And… Look. We’re human beings. We make mistakes. We have bobbles in our voice. We have our off days. We have our better days. The fact of the matter is, I haven’t posted 499 videos. I’ve probably deleted 25 or 30 of them. Another dozen or so, maybe two dozen even, have been set on the side and archived ’cause I want to get around to re -recording.

The fact of the matter is, is that you’re never going to hit the ball … knock the ball out of the park every time. And I had to allow myself the ability to fail and to fail publicly and to fail in front of others because in what didn’t go well not only taught me, it taught everyone else that’s part of this social network that we’ve created called Videosocials.

So, if you haven’t checked it out, we invite you to —, and then just click on the guest button at the top of the screen. There’s no stress, no worries. Come have a look. Introduce yourself if you’d like. Try a recording if you’d like. If not and you just want to check us out and see what other people are doing because we’re all in the same boat. Yeah, I’m probably the most experienced in this context, but I’m not the only person in the world who shot 499 videos.

So, I hope you found this valuable. If you did, please come visit us as a guest, and if you’re a Videosocials member, thank you — because you’re making it possible, not only for me but for all of the rest of us in Videosocials. Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder of and . Have a great day.