Have you heard the saying that you are the average of who you are surrounded by? Are you recording marketing videos alone at your desk? Why not record your videos with people doing the same thing? You’ll get their perspective and feedback and bring “social” into your videos intended for social media. Videosocials.net co-founder, Mark Bullock, encourages you to try Videosocials free as a guest to experience the social part of Videosocials.net for yourself and see for yourself how your video presentations will improve.

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Are you trying to use video for marketing your practice or your business? And are you doing that on your own?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net .

And another question for you — and basically, it is… it’s more of a statement than anything else. So, I’ve often heard you are the average of who you are surrounded by. Well, if that’s true, why not surround yourself with others that are doing video marketing in a social environment? In other words, actually recording it in a social environment.

So, that being said, where? How could you possibly find a place to do that? Well, Videosocials was designed for exactly that.

And another question is, are you resisting the fact that you can do social media all by yourself? But why would you want to do a ”social” form of marketing on your own? Well, it only makes sense because as business owners and whatnot, we are used to doing things on our own. But the fact of the matter is is that you only have your perspective. You don’t have the perspective of an audience like you do when you’re having an interactive presentation, let’s say, you know, with live people.

So, if you’re trying to record videos for the purposes of posting on social media so that you can market yourself, I want you to consider the fact that… that might… you might be able to really up your game by doing it in front of others that are doing the same thing that you are because then you get other perspectives. You get feedback from those that are watching you record just as you would a live audience, an interactive audience, as an example.

So, if you haven’t already, check out Videosocials.net and come join us as a guest. We’d love to have you and love to see whether or not this is something that would help you to be… to bring the ”social” back into social video. Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net . Have a great day.