co-founder, Mark Bullock, introduces the newest member of his family — Luna, the sweet 6-month old puppy. Watch the video to meet Luna and learn why this introduction is relevant to video marketing. 

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From the video...

We got a new puppy.

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and .

And this is Luna, and Luna is our new addition to our family. And she is a rescue… actually, that we ran into and just had the opportunity — we just fell in love with her and we couldn’t… we could not take advantage of that. We’re dog people. And… we’ve lost… both of our previous dogs in the last nine months and it’s been really rugged… as a family. And we didn’t want to rush out and get another dog but at the same token, we’re dog people. We need to have, you know, puppies and doggies in the house. And we weren’t even really looking for a puppy. She’s six months. We’ve got the, you know, the new puppy stuff is out of the way. But, you know, she takes quite a bit of attention and whatnot. But we absolutely… we absolutely love her.

But why am I bringing my puppy onto a Videosocials screen and talking to you about it? It’s because your people, your audience, the people that are paying attention to you, want to know what’s going on in your life. They want to be able to connect with you, personally. They want to be able to identify with what’s going on in your life, both in what you’ve… what you’re doing as a profession and the value that you provide. But also so that they can, again, connect with you as a human being because it’s not just business, it is personal. And I hope you’ll take advantage of and be willing to share a little bit about who you are — aside from the work that you do necessarily. So, this is Luna and… we’re delighted to have her, and we hope that you have wonderful children and pets in your life because it does nothing but expand our lives.

I hope you found this valuable. If you did, there’s lots more at . Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Have a great day.