co-founder, Mark Bullock, shares a story of creative problem-solving. He wasn’t in the mood to go through with a public speaking engagement so he shifted the event by engaging the audience. His mood improved and he gained clients. Watch the video to learn more.

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From the video...


So, I found myself standing at the podium. Two hundred plus potential clients in the room. Months of preparation had come into play for me to be able to be the keynote speaker at a new conference that was set up with basically everyone in the room was a potential client if they weren’t already a client and I was not feeling it.

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

Why wasn’t I feeling it? Well, that’s a whole combination of things, not to mention the drive up to the conference, the hurry and hustle of getting it all together, and when you’re not only presenting at a conference, you’re also a sponsor of the conference, so there was just a whole lot of stuff that I had to do — a lot of conversations I had to have. Too many drinks at the after -party the night before. Seafood that didn’t settle and really, a very bad night’s sleep. I was not feeling it.

So, what did I do? Well, I decided rather than stick to my script as it were and present exactly the way that I wanted to present — I just wasn’t up for talking for an hour — so, I engaged the audience.

I had them bring around microphones, I asked questions, and we had a conversation. And after that conversation that was done and thirteen new clients signed up for premium services, I still didn’t feel very, very well at all, but my attitude had certainly improved.

The fact of the matter is is I’m in a Videosocials meeting. I’m the co-founder of Videosocials and I created it in part because sometimes you’re just not feeling it. And if you’re not feeling it and you’re on your own and you’re talking to an inanimate object called the camera — frankly, it’s just not going to happen. But I wasn’t feeling it today at all, either — to be in this meeting and to record this video. But you know what? I got on the call. I’m watching my friends, our members, present. I’m pulling energy from them. I’m learning from them and all of the BS that was having me not be in the mood to do this starts to go away and I have an opportunity to present something that, hopefully, if you find yourself just not feeling it, you can have a look-see at Videosocials. It’s Just click on the Guest tab. We’d love to have you come in, have a look around and see if this is something that might work for you if you need to get videos out — whether you’re feeling it or not.

I hope you found this valuable. If you did, you’ll find lots more at Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder of Have a great day.