Is not having a list of email addresses what’s stopping you from starting an email marketing campaign? and co-founder, Mark Bullock, asserts that if you send and receive any email or have any presence on social media, you do have a list to begin with and he has easy steps to get yourself started.

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So you know you’re supposed to get your content into the inboxes of those that can use your services and/or refer you to others. Either a newsletter, video postcard, whatever it may be. But you may be thinking, ‘but I don’t have a list.’ Well, perhaps you do.

Hi, I’m Mark with and And where your list resides is in your email program and in your social media feeds. So what am I talking about? Your Outlook, Gmail, whatever email system that you use saves every email that you’ve ever sent, that you’ve ever received and in most cases, has the name and the email address of the individual that you either sent email to or that you received email from. So for most cases, when we take a look, we see that you have hundreds, if not thousands of people that are already in a system that you own that you could send a welcome email to and let them know that you’d like to add them to your mailing list. Little trick, as it were in that world, is to say that you’re going to be adding them to your mailing list because you’re doing a series of videos or you’re doing a series of blog posts or articles that you think would be valuable to them. You know, ‘click here to unsubscribe if you don’t want to be included.’ So that basically takes care of the whole spam issue. But these are people that already know you. And so you do have a list.

Why do you want to leverage this list? Because these people know you. You want to get your information, your content out to those that they’ve either been clients, they’ve been prospects, they’ve been business associates, they’re people that you’ve met a networking events there, they’re people that you’ve worked with, and that list does need to be cleaned.

Now, we do have this service in -house. We’re absolutely happy to help you with it. Just contact us and we’ll get you set up. But if you want to do it on your own, you absolutely can. You need to do some searching around the Internet to find out the instructions for how to extract these lists from the social media platforms and again your email program. But you do have a list — it already exists, and that’s the best place to start.

In addition to that, the bonus point is you can build that list by having lead magnets. What’s a lead magnet? Well, that’s creating a piece of content that generates interest. And, ‘oh, by the way, if you’d like further information or you’d like the special report or you’d like to see a video series on this’ or whatever other component that you could create — whatever content that you could create that you could put on your website and only require their name and email address in order to get that content. That’s called the lead magnet, and that allows you to then add them to your list. So this is somebody that’s already interested in what you have to say that is asking for further information. Now they’re giving you permission to be added to your list that you could market to.

Again Mark with and Hope you found that valuable and have a great day.