co-founder, Mark Bullock, illustrates the right and wrong way to manage an email marketing campaign.

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If you want to engage somebody in a story on video, I ask that you consider engaging content, or excuse me, context as your vehicle to get that done.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and of

And what I’m talking about is the human mind makes decisions and can analyze things much easier based on contrasting points of view. So, I’m going to tell you a quick story about… to give you an example.

So, I had a prospective client — this was years ago — that I was talking with about doing newsletters, and doing email newsletters, specifically. And they said, ‘oh no, no, no. We went down that path. Never gonna do that again.’ I said, well, what did you do? ‘Well, we… we knew for years that we should do it, so, we finally set it as a project, and it took us six months and there was a couple of 100 man-hours and we did a seven-page newsletter. And all of the content was in the newsletter. And we sent it out and we got almost no response to it. And the kind of time that we put into that, we’re never touching newsletters, again.’

So, let me contrast that with what a typical client — this was back when we were doing — we still are doing phoneBlogger. So, the client that I would contrast that against decided that they needed to do blog posts and they needed to do newsletters. So, we helped them do both of those things. They kept their blog posts short. They consistently created them twice a month and we consistently sent out an email newsletter, really a blast without the entire content of those blog posts in the article. We only put excerpts and an image and a good title so that if people were interested they would click through. So, contrasting in numbers? Fast -forward 10 years, 70,000 people have been to the website to read those couple of 100 articles. This is just one client and one example.

So, it’s not about getting it all out at once. It’s not about throwing everything at the wall and hoping that something’s gonna stick. Nobody is going to read a seven or eight-page newsletter. What they may do is, they may consume bite-sized pieces, that’s valuable to them, if it happens to cross their desk at a time, or their inbox at a time, that’s most useful to them. Which is the other reason why you need to get it out more frequently than just once, by the way. So, that’s the story of contrast and it’s easy to see the value of doing things one way, or doing things another way.

So, I hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots more at . Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of Have a great day.