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Have an upcoming event? Share it with us at videosocials/memberevents and we’ll share it in our Community newsletters. Check out the page to see what your fellow members are up to. Maybe there’s an event you want to attend.


Hi. Are you a member — excuse me — a Videosocials member that has events that you’d like to promote? Well, good news for you. I’m Mark with and And we’ve added a member benefit — no cost to you — where we’re allowing you to place your events on our website.

So if you want to consider doing this, you go to — excuse me — /memberevents — all one word. Again,

And what would you put there? Well, if you’re doing a webinar, if you’re doing a networking event, if you’re doing some sort of training — almost anything where you’re going to invite people from the general public or you’re going to invite a specific set of types of professionals to an event that you’re doing — and it doesn’t necessarily even have to be your event. It could be that you’re speaking at an event.

So just as you want to make sure that you’re putting event notifications out on LinkedIn or Facebook or any of the other social media platforms, certainly you want to send out emails to those that already know, like, and trust you and are on your email mailing list to give notice. This is another place where you can promote to your fellow Videosocials members so that they have the opportunity to take advantage of, whether it be a free event, paid event, whatever it is.

And don’t forget : create a video explaining what your event is about. That way, you know, it’s a prime opportunity for people to get a chance to see your face and see what you sound like, see what you hear. Give a little sample, a bit of an overview of whatever the event is to encourage people to want to participate. So and that, again is something that can go out to all the various social media platforms, your website, etcetera.

So again, . And so if you have upcoming events, place it there. We do moderate it. So we do have to approve it to make sure that, you know, you got all the forms filled out correctly, etcetera, that you didn’t accidentally put it on the wrong date or that kind of stuff so we’ll be checking in on it. But from experience, the more people know about an event, the more likely you’re going to be able to fill it up.

Again, Mark with, Have a great day.