Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, is a self-described introvert who has no interest in recording marketing videos yet this is his 500th one recorded in just about two years. How and why?? The “how” is The “why” is to provide value to you. Watch the video to learn more and how you can benefit.

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Hi. This is my 500th video for Videosocials. Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and And my last video, the 499th video, I did some reflections about what it’s been like for me and why I do the videos that I’ve done and what it’s taken to actually be able to present on camera and to put something out there that’s of value for you, the audience.

And I just wanted to follow up on my 500th video for what it is that is the underpinning of all of it for me. And that is the understanding that I am an introvert, as I mentioned in the previous video, I have no interest in actually doing that. I’m not doing this for myself. I’m not doing this, you know, because I want to be on stage or I want to be on camera, etc.

As a matter of fact, it’s taken quite a bit of focus and energy to allow myself to be there. And the way that I allow myself to do this has come down to the willingness to be myself. And that may sound very simple, but when we’re out in the world, I don’t care if we’re out at the movies, I don’t care if we’re in a business context, we’re having a meeting, etc., etc. We all have a tendency to put on airs — to put on… to try to be what is expected of us in some way, shape, or form. And I’ve had to really, kind of, let go of that, you know. That’s why the hair is down instead of tied back in a ponytail — is just a symbol of that.

The fact of the matter is is this is who you would meet if you were to meet me in person and that was… that’s a vulnerability that, you know, has been for me… that I wasn’t very comfortable with initially. And it’s really been a process by which of letting go of the airs that I’m trying to put on.

Now that doesn’t mean that I’m not going to be my best self. You know, I structure the frame of the video so that there’s not distractions. I don’t have piles of paper in the background, you know. I’m not wearing a tattered T-shirt, etc. I’m not gonna do … I’m not gonna do things or ignore things that would be a distraction for you, but I am who I am. And the more authentic I can be in a conversation with you, the more likely it is that you’re going to be able to get value because that’s the only reason that I’m doing it is to provide value.

Yes, I’ve got to make a living. Yes, we need our business model to work. But the fact of the matter is is that it can only work if everything that we do, and everything that I do, is geared towards adding value and giving you something that you can take forward in life.

And may I suggest Videosocials, if you have any camera shyness or you’re having difficulty or time constraints that are keeping you from getting consistent video marketing out there in the world. We designed it for you so that you can get consistent — so that you do have an appointment, so that you do get feedback from others that are doing the same thing that you are, and that you get the opportunity to practice and to practice being your authentic self so that you can connect with your audience and you can get results from creating marketing videos yourself.

So, that’s why I do it. It’s for you and it’s that because it’s for you, it’s not about me. Therefore, I can be myself and actually, hopefully, deliver some content to you that is of value. See you on my 501st video next time around.

Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and And I would be remiss if I didn’t say — if you haven’t been a guest yet at Videosocials, please go to our website — and click on the guest tab. Register, come as a guest, come visit a club, see what it’s all about. No pressure, no stress. I hope you found that valuable. Again, Mark with and Have a great day.