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From the video... and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, gives some advice on how to get people to view your content in its entirety.


So why is somebody going to consume the content that you create online, whether it be video, audio, text, whatever it is? Why are they there? Why are they going to pay attention? Where are they going to read the whole article? Why are they going to watch the whole video? Why are they going to listen to the whole audio podcast?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, and . And there’s a lot of reasons why somebody, especially if they know you, may consume the entire piece of content. But what is it that when you’re reaching out to people that don’t necessarily know you or only know of you and are trying to learn more about you?

They have a specific problem, a specific issue, or specific solution that they’re looking for. So when you’re doing blog posts, as an example, don’t think in terms of a singular thing or trying to package together a whole bunch of ‘these are all the things that I can do for you,’ or ‘I can show you two or three examples in a video or in a blog post of these are the types of things ‘ and then assume that they’re going to be able to connect the dots just because you think that it’s a similar problem or a similar issue to what they might be experiencing, that they’re going to connect those dots to mean that ‘yeah, they can probably help me with this too.’

When you’re doing blog posts, think in terms of being very specific. Here’s an example of a client has a particular issue and here’s how I help them work through that. Well, you’ve probably got dozens of those types of issues so that you’ve helped people with… so make a blog post for each one. That way whatever their issue is, it’s much more closely aligned to their specific things.

Old old adage within marketing had to do with you can’t be everything to everyone. The fact of the matter is if we’re coaches or consultants, even if we’re attorneys, CPAs, whatever we are, if we’re in the advice business at some level or another, people want to know that we’ve got specific knowledge that’s directly related to what they’re dealing with in their industry. The closer that we can come to that or the more that we kind of hit the nail on the head and they don’t have to connect the dots between ‘you had a similar experience or a similar industry, etc.,’ the better it is.

Then that one post, if it lands for them, it’s a home run. It’s an arrow right into the bull’s eye. You get enough of those going on, then people can start to connect the dots as it were.

But think in terms of being very specific rather than trying to be a generalist when you’re producing content and of course when you’re running your practice. Don’t assume that people are going to be able to take your similar ideas to what they’re dealing with and be able to connect those dots. Be specific. If you’re specific, then they may very well, even though it’s not exactly what they’re dealing with, they may very well be able to connect the dots because they can see a through line from critical problem, outside-the-box solution that you provided, you might be the person to help them.

Hope you found that helpful. Again, Mark with , .

And as far as, if you like this, there’s lots and lots of other ideas on . That’s our blog.

All right, Take care guys.