Mark Bullock, Co-founder of and, discusses the reasons behind creating and posting content.

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How do you know if you’re not a good fit for Videosocials ?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of and at . And believe it or not, yes — there are some that are not a good fit. How does that work?

Well, I’m going to say if you are submersed in the belief that everything is transactional, then you may not be a good fit. So, what am I talking about? If you believe that you create a piece of content — whether it be for an ad or whether it be for posting out on social media, etc. — and you produce something and then you’re going to get something immediately back in return — that the only reason that you’re doing it is for that purpose — then you’re thinking in terms of being transactional.

And there’s nothing wrong, per se, with being transactional, but that’s not what Videosocials is about, because that’s not what social media is about. It’s right in the phrase — it’s social, okay, so it’s a conversation. It is relationships that we’re focused on when we’re creating videos for social media, right?

So, imagine… when was the last time you saw an ad that you enjoyed? That you really enjoyed watching an ad, right? Well, there are… have been a few out there, right, over the years. They’re very funny or entertaining in some ways, etc. Maybe they connected to heartstrings — your heartstrings, and you know, so you may be found something that was enjoyable about it. In other words, they touched on or got involved in the relationship — human to human interaction and human to human relationships. They struck a funny bone, etc . But that’s really kind of the rarity, isn’t it?

So, when we’re producing information — just using YouTube as an example — this… that’s very much a choice, right? It’s not a television channel that we’re watching. It’s not a — this is we can only see it, you know, as it’s live or we recorded on our DVR and watch it later and fast forward through the commercials, but they’re consuming the content that you’re producing by choice. Not as just it’s something that’s out there to fill the time, right?

So, if you’re creating content for other human beings — if you’re creating content because you’re trying to be helpful; you’re trying to make a difference ; you’re trying to move the ball forward for somebody; you’re trying to help people see what they don’t know or may misunderstand — something that’s bringing value to them for consuming it. Then, they’re going to watch it if it’s relevant to them. And they’re going to — guess what — get to know, like, and trust you a little bit more with each piece of content that you produce. If all you want to put out is ads — if all you want to put out is transactional — do this, call me, etc ., then you’re probably not going to get that, first of all. And second of all, it’s not a good fit for what we’re doing at Videosocials, because at Videosocials, we’re learning to have a conversation with our audience. We’re learning about the relationship that we’re forming with our future clients and customers.

I hope you found that valuable. Again, Mark with and . If you did find that valuable, there’s lots more tips at . Have a great day.