We’re excited to introduce a new strategy to help you create an additional video each month. “Themed months” will debut in November at Videosocials and give members the opportunity to create a simple video related to that month’s theme. Take a look below at the upcoming monthly themes to begin your brainstorming now! 

  • November =  Gratitude … who and/or what are you grateful for in business or personal/family or both!
  • December =  Wrap up the year … what’s happened this past year and/or what to prepare for in 2020. 
  • January = Introduce yourself & talk about goals & intentions for 2020. 
  • February = What do you love … about your business, career, line of work, etc. 
  • March = Tax benefits … any tips or insight for business owners (not accounting advice), but knowledge nuggets. Do you listen to a financial podcast that changed your life? Have you read a business/finance book that improved the way you operate? Share your tools and helpful hints with fellow Videosocials entrepreneur community!
  • April = Spring … What’s new for you & your audience? What is happening in your business that’s exciting and different?