Inspiring Business, hosted by Mark Bullock, highlights business thought leaders who make a difference in the world through their services, products, or ideas.

In this episode, Mark interviews Joel Salomon, Chief Prosperity Officer of SaLaurMor Prosperity Coaching. Joel is also the best-selling author of Infinite Love and Money, The 9 Money Rules Millionaires Use: Only The Unconventional Ones, and Mindful Money Management: Memoirs of a Hedge Fund Manager.

Join Joel’s Money Miracles Membership. This membership is intended for people who want to move beyond their fear and worry about money to create abundance and confidence in their lives! Click here to learn more and join:
Watch Money Miracles Membership FAQs.

Learn more about Joel Salomon:

Learn about Joel’s colleague, Chara Rodriguera. Chara is a meditation and yoga instructor, and helped Joel create and now co-facilitates Infinite Peace and Prosperity:
Learn about Joel & Chara’s last course:

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