In this episode of Inspiring Business, Mark Bullock interviews Sales expert and stand-up comedian Jeff Goldberg.

Tune in for insights from Jeff:

  • The key to being successful in sales
  • The BNAP (Best Next Action Step) philosophy and how to use it to avoid getting ghosted by prospects
  • The importance of authenticity
  • How to find out what people really want, so you can provide it
  • Jeff’s side hustle as a stand-up comedian and giving people the gift of laughter

About Jeff Goldberg:

With over 4 decades in sales and sales management and 20 years of experience as a sales Coach/Trainer, Jeff helps salespeople and organizations achieve measurable and sustainable sales increases. Jeff works, internationally, with clients from a wide variety of industries and company sizes, providing coaching, training, and consulting services that address their specific sales challenges and goals.

Jeff does in-person training as well as delivering engaging and interactive online sessions that help my clients improve their sales confidence, rapport, questions, value proposition, and closing skills. He recently released two online sales training programs, “Conversational Selling Skills” and “Professional Prospecting.”

Jeff is also host of a sales podcast (The Sales Pro Network) and performs as a stand-up comedian. His mission is to help salespeople and sales managers become more effective and successful in their roles while enjoying the ride.

Learn More About Jeff Goldberg:

Connect with Jeff on LinkedIn:

Follow Jeff Goldberg & Associates on LinkedIn:

Subscribe to Jeff’s YouTube channel and check out his live streams on Fridays at 10 AM Eastern:

Visit Jeff’s business website:

Join The Sales Pro Network’s Facebook group:

Follow Jeff Goldberg & Associates on Facebook:

Subscribe to Jeff’s podcast:

Buy Jeff’s book: Leverage Your Laziness: How to do what you love, ALL THE TIME!

Inspiring Business, hosted by Mark Bullock, highlights business thought leaders who make a difference in the world through their services, products, or ideas.

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