Are you comfortable creating video blogs every week? If so, co-founder, Mark Bullock, has a suggestion on how to take it a step further and it’s as easy as having a conversation with a colleague. Take your thought leadership to a whole new level, gather an audience, and build that audience.

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From the video...


You’ve gotten over the hump and you’re reasonably comfortable on camera now. You can do these two or three -minute videos, put them out there on social media, get them on your website. But what comes next and how do you build an audience? How do you build the potential of actually generating leads off of your videos?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and

And there’s lots of different ways, but one of the ways that I want you to consider is video interviews. And what I’m talking about is you get together with a colleague and you record a video. Now, this is not a three -minute video, this is a 20 -minute, 30 -minute, hour conversation between you and another professional, that you would put out either as a live stream… as a live stream or as a video blog or video podcast.

And whichever direction that you choose to go, you’ve got some technical hurdles to deal with and you’ve got some — How do you get people to show up? How do you find guests to do this? How do you then promote what you’ve got going on because even if you do it live, you’re certainly going to want to actually have that recorded and have it out there and promoted. Maybe you’re not comfortable yet with doing it live. Maybe you’d like to record it and then put it out there and then, obviously, get it promoted across various networks and through different means.

But the biggest issue is the actually doing it, right? So, you’re trying to juggle the technology while you’re doing it. Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about today, because that’s exactly what we’ve been practicing with — a handful of our Videosocials members for the last six months, nine months, something like that. And we’re about to launch a service that is exactly that, so we can do for you, set all that up, instruct you, and help you with getting that audience to show up, with finding the people that you would want to interview, and with handling the logistics of getting it done and then getting it out there and promoting it.

So, if you have an interest in this, please let us know, and look for the launch sometime in the next month. We’re very excited about this because we really feel like this is a game -changer — to allow you to take your thought leadership to a whole new level, gather an audience and build that audience, and in turn, start to actually generate leads from your videos.

Hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots more tips and ideas at . Again, Mark Bullock, the co-founder of . Have a great day.