co-founder, Mark Bullock, continues his conversation about the dangers of perfectionism and the importance of consistently marketing yourself.

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When it comes to reaching out to the public to share your expertise, to market yourself, when is ‘good enough’ enough?

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And I recently did a video on having perfectionism, it being your enemy. But really the flip side of that coin is understanding that 90% of the people that you might consider to be your competitors, aren’t doing what you’re doing if you’re getting content out there consistently. That’s really the Holy Grail.

Get it out there. Be authentic and get the message going, because what we end up doing is we end up stuck in, ‘It’s got to sound like this. It’s gonna look like this. It’s gotta be value -packed. It’s gotta have X Y Z. You gotta cross all these T’s and dot all these I’s.’

The fact of the matter is, if you’re getting out there on a consistent basis and you’re having a conversation with your audience and you’re making sure that you’re providing value — that it’s something that people want to know, want to learn from, etc. All the little things as far as if you’re on video, your hair’s out of place, you forgot to take the sticky note off the file cabinet behind you, etc., etc. All that stuff is completely — I won’t say irrelevant but nearly irrelevant.

What’s most important is good enough is providing value to who you’re communicating with. If you’re actually giving them value, you’re giving them a reason to come back for more. You’re giving them a reason to want to use you when they have a problem that is going to be something you can help them with. And almost as importantly is to pass your information, your content, on to others.

So, focus on getting it done, getting in the practice of it, and as you do it, I don’t care whether it’s written blog posts, whether it’s videos, whether it’s podcasts, whatever it is — get started, and good enough will surface very quickly. And the biggest point is get it out there consistently.

I hope you found this valuable. If you did, there’re lots more at There’ll be a link below. Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and Have a great day.