Co-founder, Mark Bullock, urges you to try something new at your next Videosocials meeting. Record in a different place, use different props — there might be something that expands who you are, and expands your thinking about how you do videos. Your videos may become even more interactive, and more engaging for your viewers and that’s a win-win for you and your viewers.

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Videosocials is a safe place to practice and experiment.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of Videossocials and for a lot of our members, when we first get going, we do a lot of experimentation — and then I think sometimes we zone in and on what works best for us and our style — and there’s nothing wrong with that — and leveraging what you already know works well is fantastic.

But we had a guest today, and they do a couple of different things, and so, it’s… immediately, all of us in the room were like, ‘well, you could experiment with this — you could try that.’ And then they said, ‘Well, you know, I’ve done a couple of videos on my own that I tied in, you know, my herb garden with growing a business, etc.’ I really think that that’s fantastic. Why? Because we get a chance to experiment.

Not every video that when you’re trying something entirely new or entirely different or from a different place, as an example — as we know, we want a good internet connection, we know that we need our device to work, and if you’re doing Wi-Fi out in the backyard, sometimes that may not work out great. But the fact of the matter is, if you don’t try, you don’t know.

So, this is just a quick tip to try something new — try something different. Try to experiment to a different place, using different props, as it were, and just see — maybe there might be something that expands who you are, and expands your thinking about how you do videos, to make them, perhaps, even more interactive, and more engaging for your viewers and that only is… creates a win -win for both you and your viewers.

Again, don’t forget, try to experiment — something new, something different.

Again, Mark —, — and if you found this tip valuable, you’ll find lots more at . Take care.