How does Videosocials bring together a group of busy professionals with varying levels of experience and manage to get them to support and inspire each other in a productive, meaningful way? co-founder Mark Bullock explains.

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We’ve been asked before, how do you have a room full of people in a Zoom conference, all from different backgrounds, all from different levels of experience, all from different areas of the country, and come into a Videosocials meeting and get value from each other?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and of .

And the answer to that is, it just happens, but it happens by design. In other words, we put a structure in play with a vision, as it were, of having professionals that we’re all trying to get better on video, all trying to use video for marketing their businesses and their practices. In doing so, when you’re in that type of environment and you give a little bit of structure, you give people a little bit of what to focus on when providing each other feedback, as an example… when you give them a little bit of instruction on what might work better next time, as well as acknowledgment for what really did work well, this time — well, I’m in a meeting right now with one of our most senior members and one of our newest members and others that are in between and everyone is providing value to everyone else because they know the system, they know the process, and they know instantly as soon as their on Videosocials , why they’re here, what they’re trying to accomplish and they see the value in supporting each other in that process.

Frankly, it’s nothing short of inspiring — that we can have the newest member give one of our most senior members feedback that nobody else even noticed, and the kind of difference that that can make for somebody else.

So, kudos to our membership. Kudos to you guys for… we could provide the structure, we could provide the vision, but you are Videosocials , as in the social environment of the … of what we’ve set up here.

I hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots more at And again, I’m Mark Bullock, co-founder of and Have a great day.