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From the video... and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, urges people who are certain that video is just not for them to give it a try. If you’re able to introduce yourself at a networking event, you too can do video. Come as a guest to a Videosocials club and give it a try in a safe space where the videos don’t count.


‘Gee, I don’t know. I don’t think I could do video. I don’t like being on camera. Just not my thing. Just not for me.’ Hi, Mark Bullock with and and we invented for you because you can do video. How do I know this? I don’t even know you. Yeah, right. Who is this guy talking to?. So the reality is, is that when we tell ourselves that we can’t do something, we’re pretty much guaranteeing that we can’t. If we tell ourselves, ‘maybe I can. Let me give it a try.’ Then you open the door to the possibility of doing something that you might find very confronting — you might find really uncomfortable. And the environment that we created was one of practice. In other words, you’re in a room with a handful of people, just as I am now that are watching you and you’re watching them as each of you takes turns practicing recording on video. How does that work? Well, if you go out and you hire a video production team to come in and do video, when you’re uncomfortable with the concept and you’re really not sure that it’s something that you could do, that’s a lot of money. That’s a lot of pressure. That’s a lot of, you know, it’s got to come off. You may have to do multiple takes, etcetera. The video blog is designed to be a little bit more natural, a little bit more authentic — you having a conversation with an audience. So we provide you that surrogate audience. And each video that you make doesn’t count. Yeah, you heard me, right. It doesn’t count. You don’t have to use it if it didn’t come off. If you’re not happy with it, you don’t have to use it. You didn’t waste the time being in the meeting because you learned. You’ve got to practice and you learned from others that are presenting as well. So the biggest issue, though, is that blockade : I can’t do it. I don’t want to do it, etcetera. If you can just crack that ice a little bit and say, ‘let me give it a shot. Let me take a look.’ Come as a guest at Videosocials. You don’t even have to present the first time that you come if you don’t want to? If you like, you could just introduce yourself. But if you could go to a networking event of any kind and say hello and introduce yourself to one other person, you can do video. It really isn’t any more difficult than that. But you can’t do it when you tell yourself ‘I can’t.’ It becomes a self -fulfilling prophecy. I encourage you. ‘Maybe I can. Maybe I could give it a shot. At least let me go take a look and see how other people who have that same — have had that same concern, that same resistance. Ah .’ See what they’re doing? Maybe it’s something that you that you could do. I pretty much guarantee you that if you do, you will be able to because I’ve seen it happen over and over and over again. Again, Mark with and Come visit us. Be our guest. Have a great day.