co-founder, Mark Bullock, explains how to reach and tailor your outreach to multiple specific, targeted audiences with the same one piece of content.

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Is your video for me? Some question, huh? Well, really, that’s the question that everyone that gets exposed to your content, whether it be video or not, is asking themselves.

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And I think we gloss over sometimes knowing our target audience. Who exactly are we creating the content for because we know that there’s referral sources, there’s past clients, there’s prospects that may want to watch it or have… consume it in some way and we try to make whatever content that we’re creating — but especially video — for everybody. There’s a simple solution.

Create the same content but label and tailor the content for the specific audience. In other words, whoever it is that may refer you for whatever it is that you’re offering to the end -consumer, may want the message a little bit differently, but most certainly, they want to know that you’re speaking to them, not necessarily that they are the ones that want your service.

In other words, how do you open your video? How do you label your video? What title do you give it? If it’s for somebody who’s buying or selling a house, as an example? Well, your content, your service may be for that person that’s buying or selling a house, but there’s a lot of people around that person that’s buying or selling, including their realtors, their attorneys, etc. that could refer you. And so, if you redid the content or you basically segmented your content or had it replicated, but each one for the specific professional that might be referring you, as an example.

So, you can take the same piece of content and do it three different times for three different audiences, identifying each of those audiences so that they know that they can answer that question when they first come across it so that they know that this is for them. It radically increases the possibility of them actually consuming the content, as well as knowing that you’re talking to them, so they’re going to pay much closer attention.

I hope you found this valuable. If you did, there’s lots more at and again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of . Have a great day.