Have you made a difference in a client’s life? Tell that success story in a video blog. Videosocials.net co-founder Mark Bullock goes into more detail on how to flesh out this type of video blog in this video. Watch this video, then shoot yours and share it with us.

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So who doesn’t love a good story?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the Co-founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net . And if you want to consider ‘what is my next topic? Where am I going to come up with the next idea for a video to do?’ I’m going to suggest you consider a client success story and not just any client success story, but what it meant to them.

I see a lot of times we’ll go to tell a story if we’re consultant or an attorney or CPA or something like that and we’ll get into the nuts and bolts of what we’ve done and that’s great. And especially if you’re relaying information that the average consumer or the average person that you might be serving may not know before having that conversation with you.

But I invite you to go a little deeper and to say how did this affect them? How did what your advice that you gave them? How whatever service that was that you provided or even product that you that you provided for them, how did it make a difference? What was life like before and after working with you in one way, shape, or form? Even if it’s something small, tie into their emotions. Tie into how this made them feel, rather than just the technical steps that you went through to help them.

I hope you found that valuable — quick tip. Again, Mark with Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net . And if you did find this valuable, you can find a lot more at Videosocials.net/academy . Take care.