Have you gotten a brilliant idea just to forget about it a few minutes later? We all have. Mark Bullock, co-founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net, shares how he keeps track of all the topics he wants to talk about even when he’s on the go.

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If you create marketing for — excuse me — if you create content for your marketing, have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had an epiphany — you had a great idea but you’re not sitting at the computer, or you’re in a meeting, or something else is preventing you from writing it down. ”Not to worry — I’ll remember.” We don’t remember — I don’t remember.

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net. And so, I’ve had this issue literally from the start. I’ve written hundreds of blog posts. I’ve recorded hundreds of videos and I can’t tell you how many great topics have just slipped away because I thought of them at a time that was inconvenient to pay attention and write it down. So, what I’ve been doing hasn’t been working.

What I’ve been doing is, you know, grab my little mini legal pad and jot down some notes. So, first of all, when I do that, I can’t read what I wrote. And the second part is I miss so many things because I don’t have it with me 24/7.

So, here’s the solution I’m going to try out, and you might consider it, too. So, there’s one thing that’s always with me except when I’m sleeping and it’s right next to the bed if I am — except when I’m in the shower — and it is sitting on a little shelf right outside the shower — even when I’m in the shower — and that is my cell phone.

So, there’s all kinds of programs for this. I originally thought well, I just need to get the voice recorder function working. Well, but then I have to go back and listen to that voice recording. So, I have a little app, and the little app is called Keep Notes. And different platforms have different, you know, apps — little free things. You use whatever works for you. I’m going to use this Keep Notes because I’ve used it for other things. And why I’m going to use it is I tap on it and I can either tap the microphone and start recording and it transcribes for me just to record that note, or I can, if I’m in a meeting or I’m in a situation where I can’t speak out loud, I can use my thumbs — which I hate doing — use my thumbs and type out a quick note for myself.

The other thing that I know about myself is — I can’t just write the topic. In other words, there’s some component to it — there’s always some way of presenting or specific words that I want to use that I know is going to really raise the bar, as far as the impact, and I need to record that as well, so that I have it. Not that I’m going to sit there and try to create a script later, or I’m going to create extensive notes that I’m going to try to read from a teleprompter or anything like that, because I don’t do that. I do extemporaneous, you know, no notes. I I fly without a parachute from that perspective when I’m recording. But if I can review those notes — if I can review that little transcript, then that brings it back in the presence for me when I’m getting ready to sit down and create the content.

So, just a quick tip. I hope you found it valuable. It’s what I’m trying on because I’m sick of having really great ideas that just float away because I can’t remember them. Hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s lots more tips at Videosocials.net/Academy . Again, Mark Bullock — Videosocials.net. Have a great day.