co-founder, Mark Bullock, shares some advice on how to meet your business goals in the new year.

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Why do New Year’s resolutions — or really, any resolution — fail? And there’s two reasons for that. And the first is — we’re not connecting the dots.

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co-founder of and

And the first is probably the easiest to solve because we know what we want, we know where we’re trying to get, but we don’t necessarily connect the dots with what we need — what actions we need to take to get there. Right? So, maybe we see a couple of the big things or maybe be a gym membership or anything else.

I’ll use Videosocials as an example. So, if you’re a member of Videosocials, you may know where you want to get at. If you don’t, then think about where you want to get, because you’re not going to get there if you don’t know where you’re going, right.

So, whether that be — I want to get twenty videos out this year because I haven’t gotten that many before. That’s a great goal. Maybe it’s you want to expand your reach on social media and you want to expand into other forms of social media. Well, be specific. What is it that you’re trying to actually accomplish with that?

Maybe you are looking forward to creating your own video podcast or Livestream, and again, for what purpose and how often are you looking at doing that? Is it going to be an interview style? In other words, be specific.

But the main thing is to connect the dots back to well, what actions do you need to take to do that? That would start with actually being in regular attendance at Videosocials, because whatever it is that you’re trying to overcome — whatever polishing that you’re trying to do on how you present, it’s only going to happen if you actually show up.

So, get it into your schedule and show up. It sounds really simple, right?

And there’s other steps as well, so you’re gonna want feedback. You’re going… you’re going to want to polish and look at and adjust as time goes by.

But the last one is, or the second reason is, we say that we’ve created a resolution, but the resolution requires or implies commitment. So, what is your level of commitment? What else is going to get in the way — because stuff’s going to get in the way, life happens — of what you’ve committed to. Plan for that. Instead of canceling a meeting, show up for a different meeting the same week. There’s lots of meetings to choose from, as an example.

So, I’ve used Videosocials as an example for this, but this can work with anything that you have as far as a resolution that you want to create for yourself, a place you want to get to, a goal you want to achieve, a result that you want to have come back to you. Recognize there’s dots, there’s steps along the way. Know what they are. Make a commitment. Be clear in what you want to accomplish. And then as a bonus tip, let somebody else that cares about you and that you care about know what it is that you’re committed to.

I hope you found this valuable. If you did, there’s lots more at . I’m sorry about that. Yes, . Again, I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and Have a great day.