Videosocials co-founder, Mark Bullock, shares his experience, having created over 300 marketing videos over the last two years, on what makes a great video that connects with an audience.

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So, maybe you’ve figured out that you need to do video, and maybe you’re even starting to do videos and getting them out on YouTube, getting them out on your website, getting them out to other social media. But how do you develop an audience?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock. I’m the co -founder of and . And at Videosocials, we put a lot of energy and a lot of time, and our members support each other in getting better on video — to make sure that what they’re putting across is valuable, is on target for the audience that they’re trying to reach, etc. And we’re endeavoring into, as it were, how to share that, how to cross -promote that, etc .

But all that set aside and we’re two years in, and I don’t think I’ve ever talked about the most important part, and that is — it’s you — it’s your personality.

Your personality, if it’s engaging of others, and this takes practice. It’s being yourself. In other words, all of the best practices of how to open a video, how to close the video, how to structure it, etc . all basically fall by the wayside in importance to you sharing what you’re passionate about, what you care about, and that your audience can feel a connection to you.

So, I watch a lot of YouTube videos. I have a couple of hobbies, interested in starting to do RVing etc. so, I watch a lot of videos. And there’s a lot of people that really aren’t very good on video, that I watch all the time. Why? Because they’re authentic — because they’re giving me something that’s of value — they’re helping me learn — and whether or not they’ve got perfect manners on the camera or not, becomes of distant, distant importance to me. I say this because it takes practice to be able to be yourself on camera. It’s a vulnerability that we have to learn to be able to provide.

So, a lot of people tell me — I’m close to 300 videos now — a lot of people tell me that, you know, I’m always on an even keel, and I always have a welcoming kind of energy. Well, that’s because that’s me — that’s just who I am. So, if you’re… if you were sitting across the desk from me right now rather than on the other side of the camera, you would get exactly the same thing that you get when we are actually sitting together.

So, that’s, I guess, the main point that I want to get across — don’t be afraid to practice being yourself because everything else will fall in line. We’ll touch up, we’ll tighten up, we’ll help you make sure that what you present is clean and clear and valuable for your audience, but don’t lose you in the process. We want your quirks. We want your silliness. We want you to be you.

If you found that valuable, there’s lots of other tips like it at Again, Mark Bullock, co -founder Have a great Day.