co-founder Mark Bullock shares some advice on how much information you should be giving away for free and how to select what to keep to sell. There’s no one correct answer, but the more generous you are, the more likely that when it’s time to get a professional to help, they’re going to reach out to the professional that has already given them the most.

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But just how much do you want to give away in your videos?

Hi. I’m Mark Bullock, the co-founder of and

And there’s no hard and true answer on this but I’m going to give you both sides of the coin. So, there’s one school of thought that says — you give away the ”vision” and maybe the ”strategy” but not the ”how to.” Always want to sell the ”how to.” And the other side of the coin is — well, if you’re a consultant, an attorney, an advisor of some sort, and you’re giving away information about how something is done, it’s probably a fairly complex topic. It’s probably a lot more to it than the typical DIY-er is going to be able to handle.

And so, if you decide to give away information of what to do in certain circumstances, I would always back that up with — ‘But that’s only… I don’t know your situation. Your situation may have a myriad of other issues or other concerns that you want to address. So, please don’t take this as advice in that given situation. The only way that we can know what’s best for you is if we have a conversation,’ as an example.

In general, I feel like the more generous that you are, the better off that you are. There’s an old adage when you’re selling consulting services that you want them to get to know 1) Gee there’s more to this than I thought, and 2) This person really knows a lot more about this than I realized was necessary, and 3) If 1 and 2 are true, maybe I should be talking to this consultant, this attorney, the CPA, as an example.

So assume that although most of us want to do D I Y — we want to save money and not hire a professional — reality is is that once we know just how complex it is, whatever we’re dealing with, it’s a whole lot more comfortable to deal with somebody who is giving us information about that, and especially, mistakes to avoid and trip hazards along the way that we might want to stay clear of. So, up to you how much you want to give away, but the more generous that you are, the more likely that when they do decide that they need a professional to help them, they’re going to reach out to the professional that gave them the most.

I hope you found that valuable. If you did, there’s a lot of other great tips like it at Again, Mark Bullock, co-founder of and . Have a great day.