Why do you do what you do professionally? Tell your audience in a video how and why you started your business. Watch Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net co-founder Mark Bullock’s video to explain more on how to create videos your audience can relate to.

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I have a question for you. Why do you do what you do professionally?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net.

The reason I ask that question is it’s the underlying question that anyone that watches your videos, reads your blog posts, goes to your website, checks out your bio, etc. really wants to know, whether they’re consciously aware of it or not. What am I talking about?

I’m talking about we want to know if somebody’s got some skin in the game. We want to know if somebody can relate to us because whatever problem, concern, issue that we’re dealing with, that we’re considering you to help us solve, whether that be through a product or service, we really want to know, how do you — how can you relate to me? How can you really understand where I’m coming from? The only way that you can understand where I’m coming from is if you’ve had some experiences, you’ve overcome some adversities, you have some background that we can relate to. This is why the creation story, as I like to call it, whether it be written, whether it be video, whether it be audio, whatever it is, is one of the most important pieces of content that you can ever create for all the reasons that I just said. But essentially, think about that for a second.

If people can relate to you, they’re going to listen to you. If people understand that, yeah, they’ve been down this road or… let’s say you’re a divorce attorney or your divorce mediator or something like that and you’ve been divorced. Share that. You know, and share your experience.

How did you come to be where you’re at now? And that will help the person that is consuming your content. Whether, again, would be a video, audio, text, be able to relate to you and that is the door opener that lets people in because guess what. It’s not just business, it is personal.

Again, Mark with Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net . If you found this valuable, there’s lots more tips like this at Videosocials.net/academy. Take care.